Serving the greater Chicagoland Community for over 20 years!
The Orthodox Christian Counseling Institute (OCCI) is a professional network of Orthodox psychologists, counselors, and marriage and family therapists. It was founded in 2004 by Dr. Ary Christofidis as a referral resource for Orthodox Christians in the Chicago metropolitan area, including Northwest Indiana.
Our clinicians have worked in psychiatric hospitals, out-patient clinics, university counseling centers, residential treatment facilities to name a few.
Faith Based
All of our clinicians are in good standing with their respective Orthodox Christian Church.
Licensed to Practice
Our clinicians have trained and received their state licensing certifications.
We are grateful to the Fr. George Scoulas Memorial Fund and the Novak Family Foundation for supporting our efforts with financial grants.
Talk to us
Have any questions? Please review MEMBERS page to find a provider that you can contact directly.